灰色系統理論與應用研討會[論文集]. 2005年第十屆
點閱:1其他題名:2005年第十屆灰色系統理論與應用研討會[論文集] 2005年第10屆灰色系統與理論研討會[論文集] 2005 Tenth annual conference on grey theory and its application
附註:部份內容為英文 題名取自封面
- 十全十美話灰色
- 專題演講資料
- 研討會議程時間表
- 研討會各組議程表
- 時變 GM(1 , 1)灰色模型之參數估計
- 灰存活數據處理研究
- Regularization of BWCG and NG ARCH by Adaptive Support Vector Regression for Improving the Forecasting Accuracy
- 應用非線性灰色模式預測台灣地區之地震次數 Application of Nonlinear Grey Model on Forecasting the Number of Earthquakes in Taiwan
- 利用可拓工程方法於學童成績評量 Application of Extenics on the Evaluation of Student's Learning Achievement
- GM ( 1 , 1 ) 滾動模型、指數型迴歸、線性迴歸應用於台灣地區低收入戶之研究
- 以灰色理論與類神經網路應用於火災災害損失之初步研究
- 灰預測模式應用於地下水位之資料預處理分析 Grey Prediction Model Application in the Data Pretreatment Analysis of Groundwater Level
- 利用損失函數之觀念建立新的灰色生成模型暨電腦工具箱之開發
- Utilize The Idea of Loss Function to Develop The New Grey Generating Models And Computer Toolbox
- 應用於行動通訊中具雜訊瑞雷衰退通道之適應性灰色預測 Performance of Adaptive Grey Prediction for Noisy Rayleigh Fading Channels in Mobile Communications
- GM ( 1 , 2 ) 模型於未飽和土壤保水曲線預測之應用研究 Using GM(1,2) Model for Predieting Unsatureated Soil's Water Retention Curve
- GM ( 1 , 3 ) 模型應用於地下水位之研究 Using GM(1,2) Model for Predicting Ground Water Level
- 作業基礎成本制決定成本動因方法論之應用性比較
- 運用灰關聯與 BCC 模式評估大學成本控制績效
- 以灰關聯分析基礎建立製造費用成本控制績效衡量制度
- Grey Relational Analysis of the Effect of Exchange-Rate Uncertainty on Labor Market for Asian Countries
- 亞洲國家的匯率不確定對勞動市場影響之灰關聯分析
- 台灣科技產業之公關公司評選模式 --- 層級分析法及灰關聯分析之應用 Selection of Public Relations Firm in Taiwan's High-Tech Industry Using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Gery Relational Analysis
- 應用灰色理論預測台灣地區醫事人力之供給與需求 Forecasting Manpower supply and demand of Healthcare Professionals in Taiwan Using the Grey Theory
- Evaluating Optimal Selection of Location for Taiwanese Hospitals using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Grey Relational Analysis
- Evaluating the Digital Video Recorder System Using the GRA and the TOPSIS-A Case Study for Hsinchu Government
- Combining AHP and GRA Concepts for Measurement Organization Performance
- 應用灰關聯理論於進入模式影響因素之評估
- 運用灰關聯建構非營利組織資源配置最適模式
- Constructing non-profit organization's resources allocation through the grey relational analysis
- 產險業清償能力影響因素之灰關聯分析 A Grey Relational Analysis on the Determinants of Solvency in the Property-Liability Insurance Industry
- Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Grey Relational Analysis
- 應用灰關聯分析於內涵式影像檢索
- Matlab 於明考斯基模式灰關聯度電腦工具箱之開發
- 雙低雜交油菜灰色綜合評估與高產栽培途徑選擇
- 運用主成份灰關聯法於多品質特性 - 氧化鈦薄膜製程最佳化之應用
- 應用灰色理論於導電玻璃製程參數影響程度之分析 Apply the Grey Theory on Analysis of Process Influence for ITO Conduct Electricity Glasses
- 結合灰關聯與田口工程再紅麴發酵之應用
- 應用季節性 GM ( 1 , 1 ) 滾動模型、弦波型迴歸、Verhulst 模型於國人出國觀光旅遊人數之研究 ─ 以日本、美國、英國及全球為例
- 灰預測、多項式迴歸分析、調整趨勢指數平滑法應用於評估台灣地區失業率之研究
- 亞洲四小龍 GNP 之預測 -- 迴歸分析、模糊時間序列、RGM ( 1 , 1 )之應用
- 台灣地區紅色蝴蝶蘭銷售預測研究 - 灰色預測、灰色季節修正與灰色殘差模型應用 An Investigation on Sales Forecast of Red Phalaenopsis in The Taiwan Market-An Application of Grey Prediction, Grey Seasonal Model, and Residual Modification Model
- 來台旅客人數灰預測模式之研究 Applied grey system theory to forecasdt the demand of number of in bond visitors.
- 灰色預測結合模糊理論之應用以旅遊決策支援系統為例
- 智慧型多層次篩選模式與風險值在投資組合上之應用 Intelligent Multilayer selective Model and Risk Value on Application of Portfolio
- 動態灰粗集合預測模型之研究 - 台灣股票市場之實證分析 A Study on Prediction Model of Dynamic Grey Rough Set-Analysis of Empirical Result of The Stock Market of Taiwan
- 應用 GM ( 1 , 1 ) 模型於中央政府財政收支之預測 Application of GM(1,1) on Government Income and Expenditure in Taiwan
- Applied Artificial Neural Network to Forecast Taiwan Stock Index Option Price ─ A Hybrid Approach
- 應用灰色系統理論建立最小變異數投資組合之實證模型 ─ 以摩根史坦利已開發國家指數 23 個市場為例 A Grey Forecasting Model on the Minimum Variance Portfolio: An Example of the MSCI World Index
- 以灰色理論改良股票投資技術指標之研究 ─ 以台灣摩台指成分股為例 A study of Grey Theory on Technical Analysis of Securities Market ─ An Example of the Moran Stanley Taiwan Stock Market Index' Component Stocks
- 應用灰色關聯分析於輸配電系統緊急復電操作策略之研究 Emergency Operation Strategy for Power System Restoration with Grey Relational Analysis
- 農產品性量安全灰色危害分析與關鍵控制點開發應用
- 灰色理論於 OLED 面板的快速壽命預測研究 Application of grey theory in quick lifetime prediction system for OLED panels
- 應用灰色理論於大樓空調儲冰系統融冰需求之預測 Application of Grey Theory for Discharging Prediction of Ice Storage System
- GM ( 1 , N ) 模型及適應性模糊理論在 CNC 工具機熱誤差補償之應用
- Determining learning costs for generating learning sequences by a relationship-based method
- Robust Stability for Time-Delay Grey Systems : an LMI approach
- 應用灰色理論於藥物釋放機制之設計 An Application of Grey Theory to Design Medicine Release Apparatuses
- 一種基於灰關聯分析的 VAD 檢測演算法
- 以模糊動態分類法探討 IC 產業群聚現象
- Using Fuzzy Dynamic Taxonomy to Discuss the Clustering Phenomenon of IC Industry