【編者的話】September 2024
September is here, and it’s the start of the new school year. In this day and age, AI is quickly becoming part of our daily lives. Learn about who makes AI platforms run smoothly in “AI Whisperers: The Unsung Heroes of AI.” Ever wonder what the most dangerous plant might be? Could it be a cactus or poison ivy? Think again! Learn all about the world’s most frightening plant in “Nature’s Most Dangerous Tree: The Sandbox Tree.” If plants aren’t your thing, how about animals? Check out the history and variety of animal cafés in “Finding Comfort in Animal Cafés.” The Mid-Autumn Festival will take place this month. Celebrate this holiday the Taiwanese way in “A Barbecue Gathering for the Moon Festival.” Turn the page
to discover more in this month’s issue of Enjoy English.
九月到了,又是新學年的開始。在當今世代,人工智慧正迅速成為我們日常生活的一部分。在《AI 詠唱師:人工智慧的背後功臣》中了解讓人工智慧平臺順暢運作的功臣是誰。你曾好奇過最危險的植物是什麼嗎?會是仙人掌或毒藤嗎?再思考一下!在《大自然的暗器!危機四伏的沙盒樹》中認識世界上最可怕的植物。如果你對植物興趣缺缺,那動物呢?讀一讀《療癒你心∼歡迎光臨動物咖啡廳!》,了解各式各樣的動物咖啡廳與它的歷史。本月將迎來中秋節。在《一家烤肉萬家香 揪團一起吃更香!》中,以臺灣人的方式慶祝這個節日。盡情翻閱本月的《生活英語》來挖掘更多內容吧。
【編者的話】September 2024
September is here, and it’s the start of the new school year. In this day and age, AI is quickly becoming part of our daily lives. Learn about who makes AI platforms run smoothly in “AI Whisperers: The Unsung Heroes of AI.” Ever wonder what the most dangerous plant might be? Could it be a cactus or poison ivy? Think again! Learn all about the world’s most frightening plant in “Nature’s Most Dangerous Tree: The Sandbox Tree.” If plants aren’t your thing, how about animals? Check out the history and variety of animal cafés in “Finding Comfort in Animal Cafés.” The Mid-Autumn Festival will take place this month. Celebrate this holiday the Taiwanese way in “A Barbecue Gathering for the Moon Festival.” Turn the page
to discover more in this month’s issue of Enjoy English.
九月到了,又是新學年的開始。在當今世代,人工智慧正迅速成為我們日常生活的一部分。在《AI 詠唱師:人工智慧的背後功臣》中了解讓人工智慧平臺順暢運作的功臣是誰。你曾好奇過最危險的植物是什麼嗎?會是仙人掌或毒藤嗎?再思考一下!在《大自然的暗器!危機四伏的沙盒樹》中認識世界上最可怕的植物。如果你對植物興趣缺缺,那動物呢?讀一讀《療癒你心∼歡迎光臨動物咖啡廳!》,了解各式各樣的動物咖啡廳與它的歷史。本月將迎來中秋節。在《一家烤肉萬家香 揪團一起吃更香!》中,以臺灣人的方式慶祝這個節日。盡情翻閱本月的《生活英語》來挖掘更多內容吧。
- 新聞直擊
- Unit 1 升高一銜接單元 Blue Cheese: Moldy but Delicious 讓人又愛又怕的藍紋起司
- Unit 2 好書俱樂部 Bewilderment 困惑的心
- Unit 2 好書俱樂部 Bewilderment 困惑的心
- Unit 3 圖解世界 Electronic Products 電子產品
- 主題寫作 The Double-Edged Sword of Cram Schools 補習優缺點
- 生活字彙王
- Unit 4 休閒小站 Finding Comfort in Animal Cafés 療癒你心~歡迎光臨動物咖啡廳!
- Unit 4 休閒小站 Finding Comfort in Animal Cafés 療癒你心~歡迎光臨動物咖啡廳!
- Unit 5 觀光英語 Ugh! Flight Canceled! 航班取消真不便
- Unit 6 探索自然 Nature’s Most Dangerous Tree: The Sandbox Tree 大自然的暗器!危機四伏的沙盒樹
- Unit 6 探索自然 Nature’s Most Dangerous Tree: The Sandbox Tree 大自然的暗器!危機四伏的沙盒樹
- Unit 7 英語聊天室 A Barbecue Gathering for the Moon Festival 一家烤肉萬家香 揪團一起吃更香!
- Unit 7 英語聊天室 A Barbecue Gathering for the Moon Festival 一家烤肉萬家香 揪團一起吃更香!
- 高中英聽測驗
- Unit 8 克漏字 The History behind Typhoon and Hurricane Naming 一窺颱風及颶風的命名由來
- Unit 9 專題特寫 Did You Put On Sunscreen Today? 你今天擦防曬了嗎?
- Unit 9 專題特寫 Did You Put On Sunscreen Today? 你今天擦防曬了嗎?
- Unit 10 健康百科 Stuff Yourself to Sleep 吃飽就想睡?都是「食物昏迷」惹的禍!
- Unit 10 健康百科 Stuff Yourself to Sleep 吃飽就想睡?都是「食物昏迷」惹的禍!
- 翻譯
- Unit 11 生活快遞 Not Just a Bump! The Truth about the Camel’s Hump 破解迷思!沙漠之舟的神祕駝峰
- Unit 11 生活快遞 Not Just a Bump! The Truth about the Camel’s Hump 破解迷思!沙漠之舟的神祕駝峰
- Unit 12 科技新知 AI Whisperers: The Unsung Heroes of AI AI 詠唱師:人工智慧的背後功臣
- 歌曲園地
- 中文翻譯
- 背誦卡