呼嘯柳樹 (★兒童英文有聲故事書) 邀請小讀者探索一棵能吹奏魔法旋律的柳樹,這棵樹將音樂和幸福傳遍整個神奇的森林。透過這個故事,孩子們將發現音樂的力量,了解它如何連接所有森林中的生物,並帶來歡樂與和諧。每當柳樹吹奏時,森林的居民都會聚集在一起,共享這份奇妙的音樂禮物。這本書的生動插圖和充滿魅力的情節將帶領孩子們進入一個充滿魔法和音樂的世界,啟發他們欣賞自然和藝術的美。
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.
- The Enchanted Forest
- The Mysterious Melody
- Meeting the Whistling Willow
- The Gift of Music
- Spreading Happiness
- The Jealous Enchanter
- The Enchanter's Spell
- The Animals' Determination
- The Friendship's Strength
- The Courageous Rescue
- The Power of Unity
- A Time for Celebration
- Guardians of Joy
- A Melodic Legacy
- The Enduring Magic
- A New Adventure